Intern John & Your Morning Show

Intern John & Your Morning Show

Wake up with Your Morning Show and hosts Intern John, Rose, and Sos, and featuring Erick and Hoody. Weekday mornings from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM.


You Should Fly In Pants Rather Than Shorts On Your Next Flight

Are you planning your next holiday? Don’t make this major fashion mistake. The summer is almost upon us and it’s time to dress accordingly, except when you’re about to fly on an airplane!

I know that the thought of walking out of the plane to a blast of hot air might make you think about wearing the shortest of shorts, but according to a flight attendant, that’s not flight etiquette.

Although it may seem a little odd, there's solid justification for wearing pants instead of shorts. It's not that they're not stylish; its that they aren't ideal for traveling on a sweat infested plane.

A flight attendant says you should try not to wear shorts when you're on an airplane. It's the same thing as the window, you never know how clean it's going to be, so if you have pants, you're going to have fewer germs. So, if you don’t want your legs to soak up all of those nasty germs, opt for something long instead.

It’s an ungodly thought that wearing long pants on board your flight to a hot oasis is the best course of action, but it’s either that or basking in someone else’s ickiness.

But that’s not all you need to think about. Airplanes are known to store so many germs, Watch the video below to learn every way you can be cautious next time you're on board your next flight!

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